While on the run from some Marines, the crew stumble upon an island inhabited by a man named Zenny who lives with a herd of goats. The crew set out to him in his seemingly final days. After evading some Marines, the crew stop off in a small town with a huge tower, which is also being oppressed by the Mayor whose overtaxing the citizens. But a bigger concern is a nearby mist that prevents anyone who enters it from leaving.
Episodes - 13
Episode 131The First Patient! The Untold Story of the Rumble Ball!
Episode 132Uprising of the Navigator! For the Unyielding Dream!
Episode 133A Recipe Handed Down! Sanji, the Iron Man of Curry!
Episode 134I Will Make it Bloom! Usopp, the Man, and the Eight-Foot Shell!
Episode 135The Fabled Pirate Hunter! Zoro, the Wandering Swordsman!
Episode 136Zenny of the Island of Goats and the Pirate Ship in the Mountains!
Episode 137How's Tricks? The Designs of Zenny the Moneylender!
Episode 138Whereabouts of the Island Treasure! Attack of the Zenny Pirates!
Episode 139Legend of the Rainbow Mist! Old Man Henzo of Luluka Island!
Episode 140Residents of the Land of Eternity! The Pumpkin Pirates!
Episode 141Thoughts of Home! The Pirate Graveyard of No Escape!
Episode 142An Inevitable Melee! Wetton's Schemes and the Rainbow Tower!
Episode 143And so, the Legend Begins! To the Other Side of the Rainbow!